Xiuzhen Jenny Zhang

Professor, PhD(Melb)

School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University
Email: xiuzhen.zhang AT rmit.edu.au
Prof. Xiuzhen Jenny Zhang

Google Scholar Profile

I'm a Professor of Data Science in the School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia. I have passion for AI Machine Learning and Data Science for real-world applications, with a focus on Text data mining, Social network and media content analysis, and Sentiment analysis. At RMIT, I lead the Text And LanguagE (TALE) research group, with research focus on machine learning for natural language processing and textual data science. I also contribute to the international research community, and some of my professional activities include:

News ✨ ✨ ✨

2024-03-10. Our TALE group meeting started again! We meet regularly on Thursdays, including reading papers, conference reports and invited talks.


Our research on using machine learning to detect money laundering activities is reported on the New Scientist magazine Technology News on 17 August 2016. "Australian AI spots dodgy deals that look like money laundering"